Air source heat pump installation

Nov 9, 20200 comments

Air source heat pump installation

Subcooled Air Conditioning specialises in installing, designing, and servicing air source heat pumps for homes and businesses. We are experts in creating energy-efficient heating solutions that are both effective and sustainable.

How Do Air Source Pumps Work

Air source heat pumps use advanced refrigeration technology to extract heat from the air outside and transfer it to water. This hot water can then be circulated throughout your building using radiators, underfloor heating coils, fan heaters, and hot water tanks.

Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps

  • Cost Savings: Air pumps are very efficient and can significantly reduce your heating bills compared to traditional gas boilers.

  • Environmentally Friendly: These systems produce less carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Easy Integration: Air heat pumps can be added to your existing heating system with minimal disruption, subject to a survey.

Key Features

  • Outdoor Units: These units are installed outside your home and work by collecting heat from the air.

  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC): Installing an air source pump can improve your home’s EPC rating, making it more energy-efficient and potentially increasing its value.

Why Choose an Air Heat Pump

Air source pumps are becoming more popular in both commercial and residential settings because they provide an efficient way to produce hot water and heat without relying on fossil fuels. This makes them an attractive option for those looking to save money and reduce their environmental impact.

Get in Touch

Our team of air source heating surveyors, designers, and installers is here to help. We can answer any questions you might have about the cost, environmental benefits, or installation process of these systems.


Domestic services for the following types of air conditioning and comfort systems:

Wall mount air conditioning system.

Split air conditioning system.

Multi-split air conditioning system.

Floor mount air conditioning system

Ducted air conditioning system.

Other cooling and home comfort systems

Heat pump system

Air Source Heat Pumps

At subcooled air conditioning, we can supply and install any brand of system including:

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