Replacing R22

Jul 21, 2019Commercial air conditioning

R22 is a less efficient and ozone depleting refrigeration gas which is used in various refrigeration and air conditioning systems. As of January 2015 R22 has become obsolete and now requires replacing if your refrigeration circuit fails.

You have two main options:

1) Replace the whole system with a new more  system which doesn’t use R22

a) End swap – if your system has the same pipe sizes and electrical configuration as a new equivalent, you only need to change the indoor and outdoor units and all the pipes, cables and power supply can be re-used.

b) re-install – if your system has suffered a compressor failure or the interconnecting services are not compatible with the new equivalent system, a complete installation is required. The only services which maybe re-used is the mains power.

2) Replace the R22 refrigerant with a R22 replacement gas.

This option is available customers who have a large R22 system which is mechanically sound and replacement would be an expensive exercise for the sake of the R22 legislation. There are various R22 replacement gases available including R417A & R422D. Subcooled have used these drop in gases on large systems including chillers, VRV system of all manufacturers and seem to work fine.

For more information please contact us.

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