Air conditioning maintenance is important for year round office temperature control. Heat pump technology gives comfort cooling and comfort heating throughout the year.
This LG heat pump air conditioning system was installed in 2004 and has provided efficient heating and cooling to it’s office space in Luton for over 20 years.
Biannual maintenance has kept this system and many others on site running efficiently and smoothly with zero failures.
Heat pump technology through air to air or air to water heat pumps have revolutionised the commercial and domestic heating scene and is considered the most efficient option for the comfort heating and cooling, any office space or dwelling.
Subcooled air conditioning offers free no obligation surveys of all commercial and domestic properties for all your Heating, Cooling and ventilation requirements.
Commercial gas engineers and air conditioning engineers are on standby 24/7 for building service breakdowns.
Call Subcooled Air Conditioning for all your Air Conditioning and commercial gas heating in Luton, Bedford, Milton Keynes, London and South east.